Welding Protective Gear

How to Find the Serial Number on Most Welding Helmets

ADF of Optrel Crystal 2.0

There are many times where you might need to find your helmet's serial number for things such as filing for rebates or warranty claims with the manufacturer, and it may not always be so simple to find on the helmet's ADF. This is why we put together this guide with pictures to show you where the serial number is located on some of the most popular and widely used brands of welding helmets on the market!

Serial Number on Lincoln Viking 3350
Serial Number on Miller Digital Infinity 
Serial Number on 3M Speedglas
Serial Number on ESAB Sentinel A60
Serial Number on Optrel Crystal 2.0

Whenever reaching out to us to make a warranty claim, we recommend finding and sending us your serial number to help speed up the process for you. We've created a warranty claim guide for that as well if you need help starting that process! Feel free to email us at support@bakersgas.com for additional assistance.

Is your helmet already past the warranty period, or simply looking for an upgrade? We have tons of great welding helmets you can replace it with at some of the best prices you'll find! Or if you are curious what are best selling helmets are this year. Check out our YouTube video on top welding helmets

Dylan B.


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