Welding Tips & Tricks


Welding Tips & Tricks

Welding 101: How to Run a Straight Bead

Learn how to prepare your materials, set the right parameters, and maintain consistent technique to ensure your welds are both durable and visually appealing.

Setting Up Your Home Welding Shop: Essential Tools and Safety Gear

Setting up a home welding shop can be an exciting project for beginners, hobbyists, and professionals alike.

Boosting Welding Productivity on Construction Sites: 6 Essential Tips

Welding on construction jobsites comes with its share of challenges, from voltage drops to wire feeding issues. Baker's Gas can help.

Welding Safety Tips: Protecting Yourself and Others

In this blog post, we will discuss crucial welding safety tips to ensure a secure working environment for welders, bystanders, and the overall workplace.

How to Start Welding

Welding is growing in popularity around the country. For both hobbyists and professionals, welding is a way to feel fulfilled, accomplished, and to work with...

Tips for Selecting the Right Victor Torch Cutting Tip

As of this writing the top torch tips from Victor are steeply discounted at Baker’s Gas and Welding, with many discounted between 40...

Does It Matter If You Push or Pull While Welding?

Some welders roll their eyes every time the push vs. pull debate comes up, while others have strong opinions that they believe they have been forged out...

Vertical Down or Up?

A common question for new welders is vertical up or down. Some may ask what that refers to. Vertical is the position of the weldment in respect...

Stick Welding Tip: What to Do with a Stuck Electrode

If you’ve ever tried stick welding, you may wonder why your rods are frequently getting stuck. One of the most common complaints among stick welders is a stuck rod...

Tips for a Successful Mobile Welding Business

Welders are in demand from both commercial and residential clients. A mobile welding business requires little more than welding equipment, a van or truck, and insurance. Bonus...

How to Prevent Metal from Bending (ie: heat distortion) When Welding

Heat distortion occurs when an uneven level of heat is applied to an area of metal during the course of welding.  Some heat distortion can be so...

Safety Tips for Welding in Wet Conditions

It’s just bound to happen. At some point in the course of your welding practice, whether you’re a seasoned professional welder or a home-based project welder, you’re...

Math for Welders

I don’t know about you, but I’m terrible at math. Not so much computational math – that good ole reading writing and arithmetic type of math. But...

How to Choose the Right Size Welding Gas Cylinder

Choosing the correct size of welding gas cylinder is important to ensure that you have the proper amount of gas necessary to finish the welding job you...

5 Tax Tips for Freelance Self-Employed Welders

In this article we discuss tax tips and info for freelance or self employed welders. Recourses and discussions here may help when filing your yearly taxes.

5 Reasons Why a Weld Breaks

Whether you’re new to welding or you have a ton of experience, no one wants to break a weld. Broken welds need to be reground and they...

How to Choose Welding Wire for Steel

Choosing the correct type of welding wire for steel is important for the look and strength of the welds you create.  Some welding wire choices depend on...

How to Successfully Weld Steel Pipe to Stainless Steel Pipe

Joining two pieces of dissimilar metals can be somewhat tricky; however, TIG, MIG and stick welding are all capable of successfully welding steel pipe to stainless steel...

5 Tips on How to Maintain Welding Equipment

Whether an arc becomes erratic, the wire for your MIG welder feeds unevenly, or your machine starts to run hot, maintenance for welding equipment is critically important...

Tips and Tricks for Safe, Effective Overhead Welding

It’s inevitable that at some point along the way you’ll encounter a job or project that requires you to weld upside down – as in leaning backward,...

Tips For Welding Square Tubing

Welding square tubing successfully can be accomplished in the same manner in which any other material is welded.  On a standard 45 degree corner, you will use...

Top 10 Welding Video Tutorials

YouTube is totally jam-packed with helpful, informative and highly educational welding videos of all kinds. Just about any welding related question you can come up with...

How to Repair a Welding Cable

A welding cable is used to carry electrical current to a secondary circuit that is used to emit electrical current and allow the welder to create a...

Tips for Starting a Welding Contractor Business

If you’re an experienced welder who has become frustrated with working for others, maybe it’s time you considered starting your own contracting business.  Owning your own welding...