Shipments to the Contiguous 48 US States

Orders $150.00 and over qualify for our free shipping offer. Click Here for Shipping Terms and Conditions.

We understand that when you make an order, you want your items as quickly as possible and we will do our best to make that happen! Most of the items we sell will ship quickly and be at your door fast. We ship most of our orders from our distribution warehouse in Toledo, Ohio.

While we will do our best to ship our items the same day that they are ordered, naturally not all items will always be in stock at all times!  In some cases we will split the order and ship each package out to you individually and in other cases we may need to consolidate the items in one location to ship out as one package.  We utilize our best judgment in an attempt to get the products to you as quickly as possible.

A shipping confirmation email including UPS specific tracking information will typically be sent within 24 hours of an item shipping.  For example, if you place an order Monday night and it ships out Tuesday morning, you will receive your tracking information either Tuesday evening or Wednesday morning.

Most orders will be shipped UPS, however we do utilize USPS as an alternative for smaller items / special situations.


View the map below for an estimate of outbound shipping times from our warehouse.
Bakers Gas Shipping lead times map