Weld My World - Welding News

Life is Short, Live it Large – Argon Infused Welder’s Coffee

Large Time Fabrication

Large Time Fabrication is a company local to us here in Michigan and they have a great story! You may have seen their amazing Argon infused welder’s coffee on Instagram! Read their great story below and don’t forget you can buy the coffee at http://largetimefab.bigcartel.com/ We did and it has the whole office smelling amazing! It’s all the rage in the welding world and only $16.50 plus shipping!

Life is Short, Live it Large

What is Large Time Fabrication? The owner, Patrick, explains it best. “The Fabrication part is easy. I like to make useful things with my hands, and the 2 other words in the name are more than just words. “LARGE TIME” is a motto, a way of life, and it means much more to me than anyone probably realizes. My Uncle Mike was a great man who had perfected Chili, Brisket and anything else that graced his BBQ pit. Mike coined the phrase “Large Time, Life is Short, Live it Large” for his competitive BBQ team, because that’s exactly how he rolled; Large.  He did things LARGE, in every way you could possibly imagine. His garage was full of more BBQ trophies than you could count and his house was always full of family and laughter.  I remember various trips to my Uncle’s house while growing up, eating raw oysters from the coast, frying up catfish, hearing stories I wasn’t supposed to about Terlingua, and talking with his neighbors who came over when they smelled his BBQ. Mike was the guy you wanted to be around, and not just because of his BBQ, but because he was a great guy.

Thinking about him, I sat back and realized how precious life truly is. Thinking about this phrase my Uncle had created, I started wondering what I would want to leave behind. What would be left after I was gone, because steel rusts and memories fade with time. The legacy most people will leave behind is the work and actions of our children. It’s how they are raised, the lessons instilled upon them through our actions that are then taught to their kids, which keeps a little bit of you around for at least one more generation. I decided that’s what I wanted, and I decided to incorporate the “Large Time” motto into every aspect of my business and my daily interactions with people. I am building my legacy on a solid foundation my Uncle had left behind. It is such a simple phrase with so much family importance. Large Time is an outlet to maintain the important piece of my family within my life, my Uncle Mike.  A pride in everything I do, compassion for everyone I have influence over, and a little something to not let the memories be forgotten. “Life is Short, Live it Large”.

Argon Infused Welder’s Coffee

Life has a funny way of deciding who and what falls into your life; call it faith, luck or something else. Coffee kind of fell into my lap through a magazine at a BBQ restaurant in Oklahoma City, I grabbed what I thought was a BBQ magazine and it turned out to be a collection of coffee stories and shops that had set up in downtown Oklahoma City. Fast-forward to a few days later, my favorite antique store had a book on coffee and I was off bidding on a coffee roaster at an online auction. It has been a crazy adventure from Machinist Coffee to my main staple of Welder’s Coffee; I have sold over 750 pounds of this roasted goodness and have happy customers from Saudi Arabia to almost every state in America. Who knows what life will drop in my life next, hopefully it is as delicious as this Coffee I am enjoying. Life is Short, Live it Large!

Follow Large Time Fabrication on Instagram and if you’re a welder you have to try this coffee! (Great gift for that hard to buy for welder)



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