Weld My World - Welding News

Conference – Women Building California and the Nation


There is no doubt about it, being a woman working in industrial jobs like welding is tough business. It is not just because the work is hard; after all, a woman can handle the job, but it is more about the fact that there are so few women who work in welding, and some find it difficult to get along with so many male co-workers. There is also a stigma that rears its ugly head sometimes among other women, who tend to look down on women welders, or any women in non-traditional careers for that fact.

All that is changing as more and more women realize they can have very successful and fulfilling careers as welders, and others are seeing that women make great welders just like men do. In fact, women welders are finally being recognized with their own conference!

The first Women Building California and the Nation Conference will be held in Oakland California from April 29 to April 30. The conference will take place at the Marriott Oakland City Center at 1001 Broadway, Oakland, California. To find out more, visit their site at www.sbctc.org.

The event is being sponsored by the State Building & Construction Trades Council and by the Building & Construction Trades Department, AFL-CIO. It's a great opportunity for women to network, make friends, learn new skills and strategies, and to promote women as welders and leaders. Workshops will be offered for pre-apprentices, new apprentices, those who have been welders for a while and those looking for something after they retire or for what is out there beyond tools. There will also be writing and art workshops as well as a tour of the Rosie the Riveter sites located in Richmond.

Speakers will be coming to the conference and will be announced on the site as they are confirmed. If you register by March 31 you will get the early-bird rate which is $70 (you get an additional $10 off if you belong to a union affiliated with Building Trades). Breakfast, lunch, and a reception are included on Saturday and breakfast and a snack on Sunday. The site has registration information, forms, and more so don't miss this opportunity!

Ed C.


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